Physiotherapy is at the core of our practice, with highly qualified therapists dedicated to assessing, diagnosing, and treating musculoskeletal problems to restore function quickly and safely.
We take a personalised, whole-body approach, combining hands-on techniques, education, and tailored exercise programs. As experts in movement and rehabilitation, we guide and motivate you toward optimal recovery.
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation

Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: Our close working relationship with Orthopaedic Consultants, for all areas of the body, and our other job roles within the NHS, ensure we are up to date with current surgeries and relevant pre and post -op protocols.
We are able to work alongside any other health care professionals who may be involved in your care to optimise your recovery and outcome. We want to help you confidently return to your best functional level as quickly as possible by helping you understand healing times, personalise suitable exercises and direct progressions, right up to sport specific rehabilitation where appropriate. We can advise on what to do to help yourself facilitate your recovery and what to avoid!

Mobilisations/Manipulation ~ These are passive manoeuvres which can be performed on any joint in the body. They should be painless but may cause some discomfort. They are expected to produce an immediate change in how the joint moves and therefore gives an immediate benefit to the patient either in range of movement or a reduction in pain.
Soft Tissue/Myofascial Release Techniques

Soft Tissue/Myofascial Release Techniques ~ There are many types of massage each having a different effect on the tissues. The type of massage selected depends on the desired effect such as relaxation, softening, release of scar tissue etc.
Myofascial release techniques particularly address fascia which has a profound effect on muscles, nerves, joints, viscera etc throughout the whole body. Myofascial systems hold a very important role in achieving proper balance within the body. Old injuries, repetitive movements, abnormal posture etc all lead to maladaptive patterns within the fascial system which then gives rise to further symptoms. Myofascial release techniques are used in conjunction with joint manipulation and muscle re-education to achieve faster and longer term benefit.
Acupuncture for Pain Relief

Acupuncture for Pain Relief ~
Acupuncture is commonly used in physiotherapy to treat a range of pain problems. It can reduce pain and muscle spasm by acting on the body’s nervous system to release a range of chemicals, for example, endorphins and serotonin. Acupuncture is commonly used in combination with other treatment approaches like exercise and manual therapy.
We are members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) which means we adhere to their strict hygiene guidelines, safety procedures attend the training courses and educational updates required to stay on the membership register.
Further information about acupuncture and how it can help relieve pain please call us on 01793 845234 or email

Exercise ~ Advice on specific exercises to address specific problems is widely used in physiotherapy. Not many of our patients ‘escape’ without being given any exercises!
Often the exercises are a treatment in themselves or they can be used to maintain the improvement gained within physiotherapy sessions.
Exercises can be used to restore normal function, strengthen muscles that have become weak and under used, switch off other muscles that have become over active and tight, stretch out tight soft tissues and re-educate posture.
They are most effective when they are specific to the problem that is being addressed, taught and performed accurately and then progressed as the problem resolves.
We use ‘Rehab My Patient’, a computer programme, which allows us to print out or email to you written instruction and pictures of your specific exercise.

Electrotherapy ~ this can have many uses in physiotherapy.
There is now evidence that modalities such as ultrasound can have a positive effect on tissue repair and healing, assisting the body’s own natural healing process.
Other electrotherapy such as a TENS machine or ‘stimplus’ are used for pain relief. They can give relief of pain by stimulating the sensory nerves which then ‘block’ the pain messages from reaching the brain.
They also stimulate release of the body’s own pain killers (opioids). Patients can be given instruction and loaned these pieces of equipment for a trial of home use. Electrotherapy is often used in conjunction with other techniques.
Sports' Advice

Sport & Training Progressions ~ Injuries sustained with sport are often specific to that particular type of exercise. All our physiotherapists have an interest in sport and have extensive experience treating sports injuries. We are able to give advice re getting started with sport and training progressions. It is often helpful to liaise with coaches/ personal trainers to maximise recovery and improvement.
Pilates Instruction

Pilates Instruction ~ Pilates is a method of exercising that works on strengthening and mobilising the body in a balanced way.
It is particularly helpful in rehabilitation as it works on the deep stabilising muscles (core strength) that are important for posture and joint protection. Exercises can be graded according to the individual’s ability and are therefore suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
We teach Pilates on a 1:1 basis, this allows us to target particular areas of the body that are either weak or tight and progress exercises at the individuals own pace ensuring correct technique and maximum benefit.
We often combine Pilates instruction with other treatments for a holistic approach with lasting benefits.
Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy ~ This is a form of therapy which uses very light touch to facilitate the normal movement of structures from the head (Cranium) to the tailbone (Sacrum).
Trauma to any part of this system can happen at any stage in life. Some examples could be birth trauma, bumps to the head or falls involving landing on the tailbone. Sometimes there may no clear accident but years of poor posture may cause an area to tighten.
Restrictions in the movement of any part within the Cranial Sacral system can create tension in the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord and this can in turn reduce the flow of fluids necessary for healthy nerves.
A Physiotherapist trained in Cranial Sacral Therapy may choose to use this form of treatment if the patient is particularly sensitive to traditional Physiotherapy.
Vestibular Dysfunction

Vestibular Dysfunction ~ the assessment and treatment of people with dizziness and balance disorders.
To maintain our balance, we require information from three separate systems
- The inner ear which contains the vestibular system
- The eyes
- Information from muscles, joints and sensation to tell your body where it is in space.
These systems work together with the brain to keep you balanced and your vision clear when you move. If one of those systems isn’t working properly, it can cause problems with your balance, resulting in Vestibular dysfunction.
This can cause us to feel symptoms such as
- Feeling off balance
- Dizzy/giddy/woozy/lightheaded
- Vertigo
- Visual problems
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating.
Through our gentle exercise and rehabilitation techniques, we can treat these symptoms, improving function, balance and confidence whilst decreasing the feelings of dizziness.
Evidence shows that specific exercises can improve symptoms such as poor balance, veering when walking, dizziness, visual symptoms, and more. Maintaining an active balance system needs to be part of our everyday routine. We can help you achieve these results.
Vestibular dysfunction can result from many causes, these can be related to the ear such as
- Acute viral dizziness (vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis),
- Meniere’s disease,
- Damage to the ear e.g. from trauma, a tumour
- BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
or it can be related to the brain such as
- Vestibular migraine
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Stroke
- Concussion
- Head injury
Sometimes a balance problem is multifactorial (from many causes), or due to a problem with the function of the vestibular system such as PPPD (Persistent postural perceptual dizziness), these conditions can also benefit from vestibular treatment.
We have considerable expertise and success in treating all types of balance and dizziness problems, if you have a question about whether we can help you please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Imaging & Consultant Referrals

Referral ~ We have excellent links with all the Orthopaedic and Rheumatology consultants in the Swindon area. After an assessment, if we feel you require a further opinion/ investigation, we will contact your GP or Consultant with the detailed information they require and liaise re further treatment.
Direct referral can be made for MRI imaging where appropriate and we are able to feedback results with a detailed explanation of how this fits into your presentation.
Medicolegal Treatment

Medicolegal Treatment ~ All physiotherapists at MkV are experienced in treating injuries resulting from trauma. The most common injury is a whiplash injury caused by the forces imposed on the spine during a car accident. Most people make a good recovery from this type of injury but it is important to receive good advice and treatment from an early stage. Recovery is optimised if pain control is sufficient to allow active movements, maintaining the length and strength of the soft tissues as they heal naturally. Treatments such as manual therapy, acupuncture and active exercises can prove very beneficial.
We are able to liaise with insurance companies and solicitors, providing detailed assessment of injuries, treatment plans and prognosis reports. Treatment and report costs are usually claimed directly from the instructing party to insure patients are not left out of pocket.
We can help ...
~ Sports Injuries ~
~ Injuries in Dancers ~
~ Orthopaedic Rehabilitation ~
~ Vestibular Rehabilitation ~
Elinor Anderson
Allison Jones
Antonia Olupitan
Susannah Corbett
... & our receptionist Sally